Credit: Jxn Zoo

JXN Zoo Reopens with Limited Hours

The zoo has reopened and put a few important rules in place in order to ensure the safety of animals and visitors.

The Jackson Zoo welcomes visitors for restricted, weekend-only hours.

The zoo’s restricted hours during this “soft” opening phase will be 10 am to 4pm on Saturdays and 1pm to 4pm on Sundays. There will be fun, family- friendly events each day at 2 pm featuring rotating presentations from Terry Vandeventer’s Living Reptile Museum and Freedom Ranch Outreach Birds of Prey. Visitors are reminded that due to state mandates, weather or other conditions, Zoo hours can change without notice.

There are new procedures for all visitors including the requirement that online reservations must be made BEFORE arrival. This includes JZ Member reservations. Visitors are asked to reserve admission online, bring your bar-coded receipt and pay for your reservations in the Zoo’s SHOP upon arrival. The price of admission is $8 for all adults and $5 for children 2 – 12 years of age. Children under two are admitted free.

“We are proud of the improvement to our infrastructure and we know that the public misses the opportunity to see our animal friends, but we want to take every precaution to ensure that our animals, staff and guests are safe,” Harris said.

Jackson Zoo Interim Director David L. Wetzel said the rules are in place so the Zoo can do its part to stem the spread of COVID-19: “We look forward to welcoming our community back to the Jackson Zoo and thank you for your patience as we work to ensure a safe and fun experience for our guests,” he added.

Keeping Guests Safe: New Rules

Face masks are required for all humans unless medically exempt. The zoo is asking that visitors mask outside not only to protect staff and guests, but also to prevent the spread of COVID to our more vulnerable exotic animals.

Only 500 persons will be allowed in the park per day. Groups will be limited to 10 persons or less and all guests and staff must abide by the six feet minimum social distancing measures. To support safe distancing, guests are required to follow the adjusted directional park trail (current park map HERE).

The zoo café will remain closed, along with other “high-volume” public spaces including playgrounds, the Gertrude C Ford Education Building, Water Creatures, Backyard Creatures and splash pad.

No outside food or coolers are allowed inside the zoo. Concessions from Dippin’ Dots and Pepsi will be available inside the park.

The gift shop will have limited outside access, and rides on the Endangered Species Carousel are limited and socially distanced. The Livingston Train is currently not running but scheduled to return.

For more information on safety procedures and upcoming events, check the Zoo’s website at and email questions to