The Heist That Launched Jackson's Quirkiest Pre-Parade Party

Wondering how a borrowed chef's coat, some fake mustaches, and a bit of sneaky jacket theft sparked Jackson's wildest pre-parade tradition?

Discover how the Friday Night Marching MALfunction Stomp went from honoring Hal White to becoming Malcolm's signature kickoff event – proving that in Jackson, we stomp before we march.

The Stomp crew outside CS's in 2012. Hal White kneels at the center.
The Stomp crew outside CS's in 2012. Hal White kneels at the center. Gilder says the first couple of years started here, went to George Street and then to Hal & Mal's, the orignal Paddy's parade route, "but it was too long."
Credit: Karen Gilder

In the heart of Jackson, a beloved tradition was born from friendship and admiration. In 2011, Karen Gilder, Matt Eichelberger and PJ Lee found themselves pondering a pre-parade celebration that wouldn't require their full "O'Tux Society krewe" regalia.

Late one night, inspiration struck Karen: they would create a tribute to Harold "Hal" White, brother of Malcolm White. As Karen put it, "Everything was about Malcolm" – after all, the parade was originally known as "Mal's St. Paddy's Parade." The friends wanted to shift some spotlight to the other half of the founding duo.

The idea crystallized into "O'Hal's" – a loving homage to Hal's iconic style with chef coats, baseball caps, athletic socks and tennis shoes. Not content with mere imitation, the friends snuck into the closet behind the kitchen and "borrowed" some of Hal's actual chef jackets. Donning fake mustaches, they made their debut appearance at the King Edward Hotel.

Gilder Eichelberger and Lee
Gilder, Eichelberger and Lee, 2011.
Credit: Karen Gilder

When they approached Hal that night, his reaction was priceless. Though he attempted to feign annoyance, his excitement betrayed him as he took in the sight of his friends dressed as his doubles.

The mantra became clear: "Friday we stomp, tomorrow we march" – encapsulating the weekend's dual celebrations.

When Hal passed away in 2013, the main parade was renamed in his honor. In a fitting role reversal, as Malcolm's name was removed from the parade, the Friday night stomping festivities became known as Malcolm's event.

What had begun as a balancing act had come full circle. Through the Friday Night Stomp and the Saturday parade, both White brothers now have their names cemented in Jackson's most beloved celebration.

Guide to the Hal’s St. Paddy’s Parade & Festival

Jackson, Mississippi, is set to dazzle once again with its premier event, the Hal's St. Paddy's Parade & Festival, adopting the lively theme "Hey, Hey, the Blues is All Green" for its 2025 celebration.

Paul Wolf


Paul Wolf

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