Visit Jackson's Jennifer Chance, Michael Hogg and Paul Wolf Take Talents to Mesa AZ For Tourism Academy

April 21, 2023

A composite photo of Jennifer Chance, Michael Hogg, Paul Wolf Wolf
Chance, Hogg, and Wolf

Visit Jackson staff members Jennifer Chance, Michael Hogg and Paul Wolf will take their talents to Mesa, Arizona, May 2-4, 2023, for the annual Tempest Interactive Tourism Academy. The three will serve as emcee, panelist and presenter, respectively, during the conference for professionals transforming the landscape of travel through technology and marketing.

Jennifer Chance, Chief Financial Officer for Visit Jackson, will emcee an engaging, wide-ranging round table discussion of finance functions and responsibilities of a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) alongside Tempest Interactive Chief Client Officer Mark Lynch on how iDDS, a cloud- based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform for travel and tourism industry, can improve efficiency.

Michael Hogg, Director of Data and Research for Visit Jackson, will serve as a panelist alongside Chelsea Cipriani from Tempest Interactive’s CRM platform on the processes and procedures of administration and workflow of the IDSS CRM including training end users.

Paul Wolf, Content Manager for Visit Jackson, will present a session entitled "Storytelling" The Soul of a Destination," during the three-day event. Wolf will explain how telling authentic stories humanizes your city to attract locals and visitors alike.

"Over the past 15 years in destination marketing, I've seen how folks connect with topics that remind them of people they know or places they are familiar with," said Wolf, whose strategy plays into blog content on "I'm thrilled to join my fellow team members and our industry colleagues to present my experiences with this topic to this national destination marketing conference."