Leaders, Businesses, and Residents Announce Coalition to Prevent Flooding and Revitalize Pearl River

August 28, 2024

Pearl River as seen from an aerial drone view near Belhaven Beach and LeFleur's Bluff State Park
Credit: Lindsay McMurtray

A diverse group of educational, community, private sector, and non-profit institutions throughout Jackson came together today to announce the new Pearl River Revitalization Coalition. The coalition gathered in Downtown Jackson this afternoon to support the compromise plan developed by the Corps of Engineers and the local flood control district to reduce flood risks from the Pearl River to Jackson neighborhoods, reconnect the community to the river, optimize the city’s water system, encourage parks and trail investments throughout the city, and help Jackson thrive for future generations.

“This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to help revitalize and improve the lives of every citizen in Jackson,” said Emily Hoff, Executive Director of the Mississippi Children’s Museum. “This project combines flood control with community improvement and clean water for our city. It connects Jackson back to the Pearl River and makes it not only safe and sustainable, but ultimately a beautiful gathering place for our community with the potential for riverfront parks and trails that we can all enjoy.”

The coalition strongly supports the compromise Alternative D plan as the only option that combines flood protection and community benefits and allows for a modern, environmentally superior water plant in South Jackson, as expressed in public comments by JXN Water. A water treatment facility near the new location of the weir could directly help communities in South Jackson, where the neighborhoods suffered the most from lack of a reliable, clean water supply. The community access features of the project will connect the river to the many other trails and park improvements planned or underway throughout the city.

“We’ve seen cities across the country embrace their urban rivers. When this happens, it leads to an explosion of positive quality of life improvements for our community as well as economic opportunities,” said Dr. Rickey Thigpen, President and CEO of Visit Jackson. “We want that for our city. We believe that is doable for Jackson, and we are ready to work together to make it happen.”

The Pearl River Revitalization Coalition is comprised of a large number of Jackson city leaders, educational institutions, community groups, cultural institutions, businesses, and residents who are committed to this project as a way to changethe trajectory of Jackson. The coalition includes Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba, Hinds County Supervisor Robert Graham, and representatives from the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson State University, Tougaloo College, Millsaps College, Belhaven University, the Mississippi Museum of Art, Ergon, C Spire, and several other Jackson-area entities.