Patrick Appointed Deputy Ag Commissioner
September 26, 2023

Hayes Patrick has been appointed as deputy commissioner of the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce (MDAC).
Patrick served as executive director of the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum from 2019-2023 and most recently served as MDAC’s director of administration where he oversaw the agency’s budgeting and accounting, personnel, fleet and property management. In his new role, Patrick serves as liaison between MDAC and other state agencies, working closely with state legislators and overseeing daily operations of the agency.
“It’s an honor serving the state in this role and stewarding the great work being done at the Department of Ag and Commerce under Commissioner Gipson’s strong conservative leadership," Patrick said. "It’s no surprise that this agency has an immensely dedicated and hard-working team because we serve some of the hardest working folks in the state – our farmers.”
Patrick graduated from Mississippi College with a degree in Christian Studies and Philosophy and a master's degree in secondary education. He taught high school for eight years before opening several businesses, including a fitness center, fresh produce market, catering and a restaurant. Patrick was an alderman for nine years and currently sits on various county and municipality boards and committees. He is proudly a seventh generation Mississippi farmer, raising cattle and timber on his farm in Puckett.
“Hayes has a unique skill set and background that have been a huge asset to our agency,” said Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture Andy Gipson. “I have no doubt Hayes will continue to bring his strong work ethic and passion for the state’s agriculture community to his new role as deputy commissioner.”